Customer Profile:
Yatai Technology was established in 2001 and was listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange in 2011. The company is a high-performance aluminum extrusion manufacturer, dedicated to providing development and manufacturing services of medium and high-end aluminum alloy extrusions and components with comprehensive properties such as high strength, high fatigue resistance, and high corrosion resistance for customers in the industrial field, especially in the field of carriers, on a global scale.

Automation rate: 85
Workload saved: 30
Report generation efficiency improvement: 200

Business Challenges:

As a listed company, Yatai Technology needs to issue subsidiary and group consolidated financial statements and notes that meet the disclosure requirements of listed companies according to relevant regulatory requirements. In the past, Yatai Technology largely relied on manual processing of consolidated financial statements, resulting in a large amount of energy from the financial department being invested in tedious and low-value work such as checking and reconciling numbers. This not only leads to extremely low efficiency in issuing reports but also makes it difficult to avoid errors caused by human factors.

Therefore, Yatai Technology hopes to realize automated processing of work such as consolidation offsets, intercompany reconciliation, and difference tracing through digital technology, so that the financial department can release its energy and focus on work such as planning and analysis, provide decision support for management, and realize financial strategic transformation.

Project Benefits:

  • The merger automation rate reaches 85%; one-click merger generation is realized, reducing a large amount of manual labor.

  • Consolidated financial statements can be issued within three days after the closing of accounts, which is four days earlier than manual consolidation. It saves the time of financial personnel and enables them to transform into management analysis functions.

  • Through the project team's cleaning of ERP master data and transformation of business processes during the implementation process, combined with the standardization of merger calculation logic, the quality of consolidated data is greatly improved.


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